
Training on "The Importance of Mineral Fertilizers in Procurement of High Quality Products in Grain Sowing" was held in Gobustan, Shamakhi Districts

On 11.03.2019, Head of Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory, Ph.D., Associate Professor Imrali Hajimammadov held the training on "The Importance of Mineral Fertilizers in Procurement of High Quality Products in Grain Sowing" in Gobustan, Shamakhi Districts. In the Gobustan region, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were recommended to be used in pre-tillage, not under tillage, mainly because the middle and lower parts of the soil are sometimes high carbonates. On the other hand, farmers were advised that sowing of 100-120 kg (in physical weight) "Ammofoska" or "Nitrophoska" (N16P16K16 ± 1) to the hectare positively affects the economic efficiency. 45 farmers and specialists engaged in grain growing participated in the event. Questions about soil sampling, using fertilizers questions were answered in detail.

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