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About us

Territory of the Azerbaijan Republic is characterized by the existence of all edaphic-climatic zones, prevailing in the world, except for tropical and forest-savanna types.
The Republic has rich climatic resources due to favorable physical and geographical conditions.All of this gives acceptable opportunities for cropping here.
Azerbaijan is an ancient agricultural land. Location of the country in favorable natural and geographical conditions provided a basis for comprehensive development
of agriculture. Archaeological excavations prove that Azerbaijan is the main center of grain farming, viticulture, horticulture and stockbreeding. Development of grain
farming and other strategically important sectors of agriculture in the country is the focus of attention.
During more than 60 years of existence the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Crop Husbandry played a huge role in ensuring food security of the country and left its
lasting mark on history. Methods and attitudes concerning the approach to study have changed over these years, and each generation of scientists improved
the scientific heritage of their predecessors, and achieved great success in improving plant varieties and creation of advanced cultivation technologies by performing
numerous scientific studies of applied and fundamental nature. Azerbaijan Research Institute of Crop Husbandry was organized on May 20, 1950 in accordance
with Decrees of the CM of the USSR № 2117 “On measures to increase the production of wheat and cotton in collective and state farms of the Azerbaijan SSR”
and the CM and the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Azerbaijan from June 6, 1950 № 802 “On measures to increase wheat production
in collective and state farms of the Azerbaijan SSR” under the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. The Institute started its activities since October 1950.
Azerbaijan Research Institute of Crop Husbandry was placed under the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan by the Decree № 253 of the CC of the
CPSU and the CM of the USSR from February 14, 1956, the Order №87 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR from March 8, 1956, and the Decree of the
CC of the CP of Azerbaijan and the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR from April 27, 1956 №222 “On measures to improve the work of research institutions in agriculture”.
Activity Directions
In accordance with the Modernization Program of the Research Institute of Crop Husbandry, serious reforms have been implemented in the field of research. Development,
application and dissemination of scientific and practical bases of complex cultivation technologies that ensure the creation of new high-yielding and high-quality varieties
and hybrids of cereals (wheat, barley, corn so on.), legumes (chick pea, lentil) and fodder crops (alfalfa, sativa, grass pea so on.), resistant to biotic and abiotic factors and
obtaining high yields from them for different agroecological regions of the country is the broad and comprehensive goal of the Research İnstitute of Crop Husbandry.
To achieve this goal, the institute consists of 6 research programs (wheat, barley, corn, food legumes, sustainable agriculture and plant diversification, fodder) and
12 research programs and 26 research works. In accordance with the goals and objectives of the programs approved today, the research activities of the institute include:
  • Creation of new high-yielding, high-quality, environmentally adaptable plant varieties through selection and hybridization of local and introduced gene plasma;
  • Increasing the plant's resistance to abiotic and biotic stress factors (drought, high temperature, salt, winter, etc.);

  • Carrying out research to increase the productivity and quality of crops in irrigation and sowing using modern technologies (crop rotation, integrated pest
  • management, reduction of land cultivation, efficient use of water, use of environmentally friendly farming practices, etc.);
  • Work in close cooperation with broadcasting services to achieve the dissemination of new varieties and technologies, as well as to seek the views of farmers
  • in determining research priorities;

  • To produce original, super-elite and elite seeds that are biologically pure for propagation through a farm-based seed-growing system.
  • 8 are practical and 4 are basic of the implemented 12 topics. In carrying out this research, the Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS, the Institute of Botany,
  • the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and the International Selection Centers ICARDA and CIMMYT are cooperating.
  • Aim and tasks
In accordance with the Modernization Program of the Research Institute of Crop Husbandry, serious reforms have been implemented in the field of research.
Development, application and dissemination of scientific and practical bases of complex cultivation technologies that ensure the creation of new high-yielding and
high-quality varieties and hybrids of cereals (wheat, barley, corn so on.), legumes (chick pea, lentil) and fodder crops (alfalfa, sativa, grass pea so on.), resistant
to biotic and abiotic factors and obtaining high yields from them, for different agroecological regions and increase the productivity of pastures and hayfields,
fodder preparation and zootechnical evaluation of the country is the broad and comprehensive goal of the Research İnstitute of Crop Husbandry.
Research is carried out on the selection and seed production, phytopathology, entomology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry, biotechnology and cultivation technology
of durum and bread wheat, barley, corn, peas, lentils, alfalfa and sativa within the framework of wheat, barley, corn, food legumes, fodder crops and sustainable
agriculture and plant diversification programs at the institute. In order to achieve the set goal, the institute carries out 28 research works on the above-mentioned programs
covering 2015-2019 and 15 topics.
There is scientific cooperation between Research Instiute of Crop Husbandry and CIMMYT and ICARDA, Krasnodar Research Agricultural Institute named after
P.P. Lukyanenko of Russia and Eskishehir Agricultural Research Institute of Turkey, as well as the Institute of Botany, Genetic Resources and Petrochemical Processes
of ANAS conducting joint research, exchange of seed material and training. In accordance with the goals and objectives of wheat, barley, corn, food legumes,
fodder crops and sustainable agriculture and plant diversification programs, the research priorities of the institute include:
    • Research on the gene pool of cereals, legumes and fodder crops;
    • Resistance to abiotic stress factors;
    • Resistance to biotic stress factors;
    • Improving quality;
    • Increasing productivity;
    • Improvement and efficient use of pastures and hayfields;
    • Feed preparation and zootechnical evaluation;
    • Rational use of land and water resources.
In this regard, the tasks of the institute include the following research activities:
    • Creation of new high-yielding, high-quality, environmentally friendly varieties of cereals, legumes and fodder crops by selection and hybridization of local and 
      introduced embryonic plasma;
    • Increasing the resistance of plants to abiotic and biotic stress factors (drought, high temperature, salt, winter, diseases, etc.);
    • Improving crop productivity and quality in irrigation and sugar beet cultivation by applying modern technologies;
    • Sustainable management of the country's summer and winter pasture ecosystems;
    • Study of quality indicators of fodder plants available in the country and their use in the preparation of feed rations;
    • Production of high-quality original, super-elite and elite seeds;
    • Achieve dissemination of new varieties and technologies, as well as strengthen cooperation with information and consultation centers in determining research priorities.
For this purpose, the institute annually are being carried out field experiments on 75-80 hectares conducts research of 15-20 thousand samples of cereals, legumes and fodder plants.
Achievements of the Agricultural Research Institute
  • As a result of complex scientific research and experimental selection work carried out in accordance with different regions of the country, 147 varieties of various agricultural
    plants were created and submitted to the State Service for Registration of Plant Varieties and Seed Control under the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • 101 varieties of the Institute, including 33 soft and 16 durum wheat, 15 barley, 1 rye, 1 oat, 1 triticale, 6 corn, 5 peas, 3 lentils, 1 bean, 1 cicerchia, 2 peanuts, 5 tobacco,
    7 alfalfa, 1 sativa, 1 cock’s-food, 1 forage kochia, 1 grass pea were regionalized, included in the State register of selection achievements and patented.
  • During the activity of the institute, many works were evaluated as inventions by the State Committee for Science and Technology and 12 certificates of authorship
    and 9 certificates as rationalization proposals were issued.
  • For the first time in Azerbaijan, scientific and practical bases of resource-saving technologies (bed planting, zero tillage) were developed and applied in grain crops.
  • Many varieties of durum wheat created by scientists of the Institute (Mirbashir 50, Garagilchig 2, etc.) were demonstrated in 1981-1989 11 times at the All-Union
    Exhibition of Economic Achievements in Moscow, 19 times in the republic, nine times at international exhibitions, including in 1982 in Algeria and Luanda, the
    capital of Angola, in 1983 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 1984 in Budapest, Hungary, and in 1985 in Delhi, India for their quality indicators, even exceeding world
    standards and repeatedly awarded high prizes and medals.
  • Since the establishment of the institute, more than 400 highly qualified scientific personnel, including postgraduate students, have been trained, 260 person have
    successfully defended their dissertations and been awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy and Science.
  • The results of scientists' research work during the activity of the institute were published in about 60 books and monographs, 219 brochures, 3500 articles, 38 posters,
    50 booklets, catalog of 6 grain varieties and XXIX volumes of scientific works.

Regionalized agricultural plant varieties of the Research Institute of Crop Husbandry


Name of plant

The Latin name of the plant

Number of regionalized varieties


Bread wheat

Triticum aestivum L.



Durum wheat

Triticum durum Desf.




Hordeum vulgare L.




Secale cereale L.




Avena sativa L.




Triticosecale Wittm.




Zea mays L.




Cicer arietinum L.




Lens culinaris Medic.



Common bean

Phaseolus vulgaris L.




Arachis hypogaea L.




Nicotiana tabacum L.




Medicago Sativa L.




Onorbrychis viciaefolia Scop.




Dactylis glomerata L.



Forage kochia

Kochia prostrata Schrad.



Grass pea

Lathyrus sativus L.



Grass pea

Lathyrus sativus







The structure of the Agricultural Research Institute



Deputy Director - for Scientific Affairs

Deputy Director - Production

Deputy Director - General Affairs

Scientific secretary


Plant selection

Plant physiology and biotechnology

Sustaintable agriculture and plant diversivication

Pastures and meadows                                                                            

Provision of information  and application  of scientific results 

Social Sciences and Foreign Languages

Finance and accounting

Rights, personnel and clerical organization

Department of economics



Torpaq və bitki analizləri

Dənin keyfiyyəti

Xəstəlik və zəzərvericilərə  qarşı nəzarət

İlkin toxumçuluq və toxumun keyfiyyəti

Yemlərin texnologiyası və zootexniki  qiymətləndirilməsi


Soil and plant analysis

The quality of the grain

Disease and pest control

Primary seed production and seed quality

Feed technology and zootechnical evaluation

Experience bases:

Tartar RES

Gobustan RES

Jalilabad RES

Zagatala RES

Shaki SP

Absheron AEF

Kurdamir ETS

Agstafa AEF

Gadabay SP

Shaki SP

Absheron AEF


The agro-technical care

The Primary tillage

• Growing on the surface of soil before the sowing phase:

• The sowing period;

• The norms of sowing;

• The methods of sowing

• Provision of the mineral fertilizers;

• Fights againstweed

• The green harrow

• Irrigation

 The productivity indicator for 1 ha is :3 tons of seed + 3 tons of straw ;

 The technological operations of growing of the fall wheat after the predecessor of wheat under conditions of irrigation

 The major technological operations for the purposes of growing of the fall wheat under conditions of irrigation;

The productivity indicator for 1 ha is :4  tons of seed + 4 tons of straw ;







The pressing and carryingphase of straw after gathering phase of grain.

Enrichment of soil with pulverized oddments of plants after the row planting phase (corn, cotton and etc.)


The carrying and sowing process of mineral and organic fertilizers;

(400-450 kgsuperphosphate + 10-15tons of fertilizer)


The plowing phase-up to 25-27 cm


Enrichment of soil with water (1000-1200 m3/ha) for the purposes of sprouting of weeds and humid optimization;


In advance plowing;


Treating of seed with chemicals (Raksil – 0,08-0,1 l/200 kg of seed or Vitavaks 200 FF-0,6 l/200 kg of seed)


The carrying and sowing phase of treated seed (by taking into account 4.5-5.0 million sprouting seed, 200-220 kg of that is norm)

Enrichment of soil not only with sowing but also with 100-150 kg of fertilizers, like a nitro foskaor ammofoska


Opening of the temporary irrigation ditches


The phase of water sowing (if it’s needed) sepsuvar


The phase of sowing of 300-350 kg of the  nitrogen fertilizer as a feeding for plants 


Chemical fights contra weed with the help of herby seeds. Contra one cored weed - 0,6-0,8 l/ha of Puma Super  or 0,3-0,4 l/ha of Topik, Contra duo cored weed - 1,6-2,0 l/ha of  2,4 D-amino salt or 0,15-0,18kq/ha of Lintur


Irrigation (2-3 times) 


The harvest gathering phase


The phase of wheat cleaning and carrying;




use period


The pressing and carrying phase of straw after gathering phase of grain.



The carrying and sowing process of  mineral and organic fertilizers;

(250-300 kg superphosphate + 10 tons of  fertilizer)



The plowing phase for black herik - up to 25-27 cm



The growing phase of black herik with a harrow (2-3 times in the depth of 8-10 cm)

Aprel- August


Treating of seed with chemicals (Raksil – 0,08-0,1 l/200 kg of seed or Vitavaks 200 FF-0,6 l/200 kg of seed)



In advance plowing; 



The carrying and sowing phase of treated seed (by taking into account 4.5-5.0 million sprouting seed, 200-220 kg of that is norm)

Enrichment of soil not only with sowing but also with 100-150 kg of fertilizers, like a nitro foska or ammo foska



The phase of sowing of 200 kg of the  nitrogen fertilizer as a feeding for plants 



Chemical fights contra weed with the help of herby seeds. Contra one cored weed - 0,6-0,8 l/ha of Puma Super  or 0,3-0,4 l/ha of Topik, Contra duo cored weed - 1,6-2,0 l/ha of  2,4 D-amino salt or 0,15-0,18kq/ha of Lintur



Utilizing of the light serrated harrow in the phase of wheat tillering



The harvest gathering phase



The phase of wheat cleaning and carrying;

  • The economic analysis
  • Production
  • Total revenue
  • Profit
  • Profitability
  • The cost of  1 tonnes product
  • The profit that’s taken from 1 tonnes
  • The profitability of 1 tonnes

Analysis of grain quality implements on the following samples of crops like wheat, barley, lentils, peas, corn, and bean crops.

Determination of the variety and sowing qualities of grain that meets all the state requirements

What we currently do:

  • Determination of resistance of the germ plasmas of local (wheat, barley, corn, legumes) and introduced plants to any diseases and pests;
  • Studying the ways of dealing with diseases and pests, for the purposes of increasing productivity;
  • Assessment of the phytosanitary situation, on the farms of landowners;
  • Expansion of cooperation among the scientific enterprises, regional and international organizations for the purposes of fighting contra diseases and pests;
  • Determination of the composition of diseases and pests, for those who want to check out their agricultural plants;

Soil-agrochemical analyzes:

• Soil pH: the reaction of the soil solution (acidity and alkalinity)
• Humus (organic matter) in soil
• CaCO3 of carbonate in soil, by %
• Determination of the total nitrogen in the soil
• Determination of the amount of organic matter in the soil
• Determination of the amount of phosphorus (P2O5) easily digested in soil
• Determination of the amount of potassium (K2O) easily digested in the soil
• Determination of the number of salts in the soil (dry residue)
• Determination of total and protein nitrogen content in grain and plant
• Determination of moisture in nitrogen fertilizers
• Determination of the percentage of nitrogen in nitrogen fertilizers

Agrophysical analysis of soil:

• The density of the solid phase of the soil
• The density of soil
• Mass and volumes moisture of the soil
• Granulometric composition of soil
• Structural composition of soil
• Quantity of water-resistant aggregates
• Penetration resistance of (soil hardness)
• The special electrical conductivity of soil solution
• Water leak the ability of soil
• The water storage capacity of soil
• Hydrological constants of soil
• Suitable and productive moisture ranges for plants in soil
• Potential of soil moisture
• Mathematical studies of soil-agrophysical researches result through modern statistical and geostatistical programs

Plant breeding.

Here, at the Scientific Research Institute of Crop Husbandry, we have a Plant breeding department and which performs researches on the basis of 4 major programs that includes 5 grainy and grainy-legume varieties (wheat, barley, corn, peas, and lentils) of plants in it.

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The organic food movement began in the 1940s in response to the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution marked a significant increase in food production due to the introduction of high-yield varieties, the use of pesticides, and better management techniques.Read more

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